Contact — Barna Village Dental

***Notification for all our Medical Card patients***

From the 6th of August 2022 we will no longer hold a contract with the HSE to treat patients using the medical card scheme. The practice has provided medical card treatments for over twenty years but unfortunately it is no longer fit for purpose from a dental prospective.

The scheme has not been updated, modernised or renegotiated since 1996 despite the best efforts of the dental profession to engage with the HSE and Government bodies and we cannot provide appropriate care within the schemes limitations.

We truly regret any inconvenience this may cause our patients but unfortunately it is simple not viable to support this scheme anymore.

If you need to access a dentist who can provide treatment within this scheme please check to find your nearest provider.

We look forward to hearing from you.

To make an appointment please call us on 091 596640, use the form below or you can drop in if you prefer. 

Barna Village Dental
Co. Galway

Free onsite parking, wheelchair accessible

Tel: (091) 596 640

Opening Hours
Monday   8.15am - 5.30pm
Tuesday 8.45am - 5.45pm
Wednesday 8.45am - 5.30pm
Thursday 8.45am - 5.30pm
Friday 7.45am - 4.00pm